
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tutorial: Yarn Types

TEXTURED YARNS: Yarns that develop stretch and bulk on subsequent processing. When woven or knitted into fabric, the cover, hand, and other aesthetics of the finished fabric better resemble the properties of a fabric constructed from spun yarn.

1. Bulked Yarn: Qualitative term to describe a textured yarn. A bulked yarn develops more bulk than stretch in the finished fabric.

2. Coil Yarn: A textured yarn that takes on a coil or spiral configuration when further
processed. A coil yarn can be either a torque yarn or a nontorque yarn. A coil yarn can be
formed by the false twist or edge crimp methods. Some bilateral fibers become coiled on further processing.

3. Core-Bulked Yarn: A bulky or textured yarn composed of two sets of filaments, one of
which is straight to give dimensional stability and forms a core around and through which the other set is coiled or looped to give bulk.

4. Crinkle Yarn: A torque-free textured yarn that is characterized by periodic wave
configurations. Crinkle yarns can be formed by the stuffer box, gear crimping, or knit-de-knit methods.

5. Entangled Yarn: A textured yarn of one variant that develops bulk by the air-jet texturing method.

6. Modified Stretch Yarn: A stretch yarn that develops more bulk than usual but less bulk than a bulked yarn in the finished fabric.

7. Nontorque Yarn: A yarn that does not rotate or kink when permitted to hang freely. A
nontorque yarn may be the result of plying two equal but opposite torque yarns.

8. Set Yarn: A textured yarn that is heat relaxed to reduce torque. Set yarns are not stretch

9. Stretch Yarn: Qualitative term to describe a textured yarn. A stretch yarn develops more stretch than bulk in the finished fabric.

10. Torque Yarn: When a torque yarn is permitted to hang freely, it rotates or kinks to relieve the torque introduced into the yarn during texturing.


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